Sunday, May 1, 2011

January 28, 2007 - The day it all began

It's a day I will never forget! Any mom will tell you that there is something surreal about peeing on a stick and seeing TWO lines appear. The feeling of excitement "OMG!! It finally happened!!" Followed by thinking "Is this REALLY it??"
It's an amazing feeling. And one that I got to experience two years in a row ON THE SAME DAY!

Yes, I got my BFP (Big-Fat-Positive for those not familiar with TTC aka "trying-to-conceive" lingo) on the same day, January 28th in both 2007 and 2008. I had spent MONTHS on internet chat forums for women trying to get pregnant. My favorite is the site Here I found a group of women who all had one thing in common - we were determined to get knocked up no matter what. It's amazing what trying-to-conceive does to a normally rational person. While trying-to-conceive I had no problem a) dropping an absurd amount of money on a little contraption called a Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. Yep, my trusty little monitor helped me pinpoint exactly when it would be prime time for baby making. b) I also took everything from Robitussin cough syrup to Evening Primrose Oil and even drank copious amounts of green-tea. All of the above was supposed to help a woman conceive.

Yes, I was 31 and could hear my biological clock clicking - loudly. So I was determined to do everything I could to get pregnant. And I did. The day we got our positive test I really didn't expect one. I had already tested a few days before (did I mention I was an obsessive pee-tester? lol) and got negative results so I honestly didn't expect to turn up pregnant. I was surprised and overjoyed at seeing those two lines. The moment I saw them it felt like my heart stopped. I ran around the house jumping up and down. I ran outside  and called John in from the shed. I handed him the test and said "Congratulations daddy!". I don't think it sunk in right away. He just said "wow" and went back in his shed! Then a couple minutes later he came back in again and hugged me and was excited. From that moment on our lives would never be the same again. It was the beginning of the crazy adventure called parenthood. And we were in for the ride our our lives!

The Positive Test from Samantha! January 28, 2007.

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CM said...
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